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How to Use AI Toolkit to Boost Your Productivity as a Studybay Expert
How to Use AI Toolkit to Boost Your Productivity as a Studybay Expert

AI Toolkit, a new feature that Studybay has introduced to help you achieve your goals

Tom avatar
Written by Tom
Updated over a week ago

Are you looking for a way to improve your writing skills, save time and deliver high-quality papers to your clients? If yes, then you should try AI Toolkit, a new feature that Studybay has introduced to help you achieve your goals.

AI Toolkit is a small icon in the right lower corner of your tab that gives you access to a range of tools powered by artificial intelligence. These tools can help you with various aspects of your writing process, such as generating ideas, rewriting sentences, checking grammar and plagiarism, summarizing texts and more.

In this article, we will show you how to use AI Toolkit and how it can benefit you as a Studybay expert.

How to Access AI Toolkit

AI Toolkit is a handy feature that you can use to improve your writing and research skills. To access it, you need to sign in to your Studybay account and open any page. For example, let’s open an Auction page. On the bottom right corner of your screen, you will see a small icon that looks like this:

This is the AI Toolkit icon. When you click on it, a menu will pop up with different tools that you can choose from. You can also close this menu by clicking on the icon again when you are not using it:

AI Toolkit: features

AI Toolkit offers you a variety of features that can help you with different aspects of your writing and research process. Here is a brief introduction to each feature, and you can click on the titles to learn more:

Want to make your text better in a snap? Use Text Enhancer to fix any mistakes or issues and get a score and some tips. Just paste your text and see the magic happen. Text Enhancer can help you polish your papers before submitting them to your clients.

Need to write perfect messages to your clients? Use Message Tuner to make your messages more clear, polite and persuasive. Just type your message and see how it can be improved. Message Tuner can help you get more deals by meeting the client’s needs and expectations.

Looking for awesome templates for your bids? Use Template Builder to save you time and energy by giving you a unique message based on the type, subject and details of the paper. Just fill in the blanks and get ready to impress your clients. Template Builder can help you stand out from the crowd with your professional and customized bids.

Searching for catchy titles for your papers? Use Title Generator to get 5 cool titles based on the type, subject and other info of the paper. Just choose one or tweak it as you want. Title Generator can help you impress your clients with your creative and relevant titles.

Struggling with making outlines for your papers? Use Outline Maker to get a clear structure for your paper based on the title. Just pick a title and get an outline to work on or to share with your client. Outline Maker can help you save time and effort by giving you a clear structure for your paper.

Worried about AI-traces in your papers? Use ZeroGPT Hacker to check your paper for any AI-traces. Just copy and paste the text and run it over our tool. We can promise that it will pass tool with flying colors. ZeroGPT Hacker can help you ensure that your papers are authentic and trustworthy.


  • Remember that every result by the AI tool can be changed by you using ‘Continue Chat’ button. You can say something like ‘make it shorter’, ‘add emojis’, ‘make it 2 sentences long’, ‘use a light joke’ - it can remember the context, so you both can work together to make a perfect result.

  • Don’t be scared to break it - use it as creatively as you’d like, we are ready for that. Any button can be clicked, any text can be added, we are here to play.

  • This is not a final feature - we can always make it smarter, faster, and better. Don’t be sad by the glitches.

  • Your feedback is everything. Only 15 experts (you included) can use the feature, so your voices will make the feature work.

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